Hernan Cattaneo - Resident 144 (2014-02-08)

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Length: 54:21
Broadcast source: Delta.FM 90.3

[00:00]01.Resident - Intro(00:39)
[00:38]02.RezQ Sound - Bounce (AudioVice Remix)(07:33)
[08:11]03.Solaris Heights - Midnight (Neil Quigley's Zero Dark Remix)(04:41)
[12:52]04.Teshbe - Sundance Kid (Child Remix)(06:15)
[19:07]05.Slumber - Lost In Paradise(06:23)
[25:30]06.Resident - Interlude(00:33)
[26:02]07.Ry Cuming & Frank Wiedemann - Howling (Kintar Bootleg Mix)(08:15)
[34:18]08.Omar El Gamal - Kanaka(05:10)
[39:28]09.Subandrio - Silicone Oasis(07:13)
[46:41]10.Krisol - Si (Andrea Cassino Remix)(07:39)

Cuesheet made by CSD

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